New MM2H Requirements
Introducing 3-Tier New MM2H Programme
and MM2H in SEZ & SFZ
Foreigners from countries that has diplomatic relationship with Malaysia
All 191 countries except Israel & North Korea.
New 3-tier MM2H (All categories): 25 years old and above.
MM2H in SEZ & SFZ: 21 years old and above.
Application method
Apply and submit through licensed MM2H agents accredited by the ministry under the Tourism Industry Act 1992.
Dependents that can be included
Spouse (husband/wife).
Biological children/stepchildren/adopted children:
Below 34 years old.
For aged 21 - 34 years old, they must be single/unmarried, and not working in Malaysia.
Disabled children (no age limit) - must be certified by medical expert.
Parents and parents-in-law.
Bringing Maid under MM2H
Exclusive for those in Platinum category only.
For other categories, applicants can bring in a maid, but not under MM2H application.
Minimum Stay (per year)
90 days cumulative in Peninsula Malaysia (per calendar year).
New 3-tier MM2H (All categories): Applicants aged 25 - 49 must stay in Malaysia must be fulfilled either by the main applicant or their dependents.
MM2H in SEZ & SFZ: Applicants aged 21 - 49 must stay in Malaysia must be fulfilled either by the main applicant or their dependents.
Purchase of Properties after Approval of MM2H Application
Compulsory for all categories.
Purchase of any residential properties in Peninsula Malaysia only.
Lock-in period: 10 years (Properties cannot be sold for 10 years).
However, the purchase of higher value than the current properties are allowed.
**MM2H visa will be revoked if this rule is not complied by the MM2H participants.
Medical/Health Insurance
Aged below 60 only.
Only accept Malaysia's medical/health insurance.
Certificate of Good Conduct
No criminal records for all applicants and dependents above age 18.
Medical Check-up
Medical check-up can only be performed by the clinic/hospital panels authorized by the Ministry in Malaysia only.
Medical check-up must perform before endorsement (after approval).
Working in Malaysia / Business Engagement in Malaysia / Investment in Malaysia
Exclusive for those in Platinum category only.
For children only.
Medical Treatment in Malaysia
Allowed for all categories.
Proof of Offshore Income
Not required for all categories.
Renewal Term
5 years after initial term.
Documents required for renewal:
Current passport.​
Medical check-up performed by the clinic/hospital panels authorized by the Ministry in Malaysia only.
Malaysian medical/health insurance.
Tax Exemption
Eligible to all categories for funds/income from offshore.
Change of Principal
In the event of the principal passed away - For all categories.
Only to the next-of-kin who is also a dependent under his/her MM2H application.
PLATINUM Requirements
Fixed Deposit (FD) - Any banks in Malaysia
USD 1million and above.
Purchase of Properties
Any residential properties in Malaysia valued of RM2million and above.
Requirement for Fixed Deposit (FD) Withdrawal
Maximum 50% of the total amount of FD.
Only applicable for property purchase (with a minimum value of RM2million and above) after the stamping of MM2H visa onto passport, education exepenses in Malaysia for children under MM2H, medical expenses and treatment in Malaysia, and domestic travel within Malaysia – Subject to Terms & Conditions.
Withdrawal can only be done within Malaysia only.
Government Registration/Entry Fee (One-Off) - Paid to Government
RM200,000 for principal.
No registration/entry fee is required for all dependents.
MM2H Social Pass / Visa
Eligible for 20 years renewable visa along with Multiple-Entry Visa (MEV) for the main applicants and dependents.
Renewable 5 years of visa will be given after the first 20 years of visa has been collected.
Goverment renewal fee: RM5,000 (not visa fee).
Engagement of Business, Investment Activities or Employment in Malaysia
Allowed to bring in under MM2H.
GOLD Requirements
Fixed Deposit (FD) - Any banks in Malaysia
USD 500,000 and above.
Purchase of Property
Any residential properties in Malaysia valued of RM1million and above.
Requirement for Fixed Deposit (FD) Withdrawal
Maximum 50% of the total amount of FD.
Applicable for property purchase (with a minimum value of RM1million and above) after the stamping of MM2H visa onto passport, education exepenses in Malaysia for children under MM2H, medical expenses and treatment in Malaysia, and domestic travel within Malaysia – Subject to Terms & Conditions.
Withdrawal can only be done within Malaysia only.
Government Registration/Entry Fee (One-Off)
RM3,000 for principal.
- No registraiton/entry fee is required for all dependents.
MM2H Social Pass / Visa
Eligible for 15 years renewable visa along with Multiple-Entry Visa (MEV) for the main applicants and dependents.
Renewable 5 years of visa will be given after the first 15 years of visa has been collected.
Goverment renewal fee: RM3,000 (not visa fee).
Engagement of Business, Investment Activities or Employment in Malaysia
Not allowed.
Need to get Malaysian maid agencies to hire maid.
SILVER Requirements
Fixed Deposit (FD) - Any banks in Malaysia
USD 150,000 and above.
Purchase of Property
Any residential properties in Malaysia valued RM600,000 and above.
Requirement for Fixed Deposit (FD) Withdrawal
Maximum 50% of the total amount of FD.
Applicable for property purchase (with a minimum value of RM600,000 and above) after the stamping of MM2H visa onto passport, education exepenses in Malaysia for children under MM2H, medical expenses and treatment in Malaysia, and domestic travel within Malaysia – Subject to Terms & Conditions.
Withdrawal can only be done within Malaysia only.
Registration/Entry Fee (One-Off) - Paid to Government
RM1,000 for principal.
No registration/entry fee is required for all dependents.
MM2H Social Pass / Visa
Eligible for 5 years renewable visa along with Multiple-Entry Visa (MEV) for the main applicants and dependents.
Renewable 5 years of visa will be given after the first 5 years of visa has been collected.
Goverment renewal fee: RM1,500 (not visa fee).
Engagement of Business, Investment Activities or Employment in Malaysia
Not allowed.
Need to get Malaysian maid agencies to hire maid.
SEZ & SFZ Requirements
Special Conditions for MM2H Participants under Special Economic Zones (SEZ) & Special Financial Zones (SFZ)
Fixed Deposit (FD) - Any banks in Malaysia
Aged 21 - 49: USD 65,000 and above.
Aged 50 and above: USD 32,000 and above.
Requirement for FD Withdrawal
Maximum 50% of the total amount of FD.
Applicable for property purchase after the stamping of MM2H visa onto passport, education exepenses in Malaysia for children under MM2H, medical expenses and treatment in Malaysia, and domestic travel within Malaysia – Subject to Terms & Conditions.
Withdrawal can only be done within Malaysia only.
Purchase of Residential Properties after Approval of MM2H Application
Residential properties in SEZ & SFZ must be purchased from developers and not property agents or existing owners.
Minimum price is subject to the State Authority - May required the approval/consent from State Authority.
**MM2H visa will be revoked if this rule is not complied by the MM2H participants.
Government Registration/Entry Fee (One-Off)
RM1,000 for principal.
- No participation fee is required for all dependents.
MM2H Social Pass / Visa
Eligible for 10 years renewable visa along with Multiple-Entry Visa (MEV) for the main applicants and dependents.
Renewable 5 years of visa will be given after the first 10 years of visa has been collected.
Government renewal fee: RM300 (not visa fee).
Engagement of Business, Investment Activities or Employment in Malaysia
Not allowed.
Need to get Malaysian maid agencies to hire maid.